@2025 Afarand., IRAN
ISSN: 2383-2150 Journal of Education and Community Health 2020;7(2):113-118
ISSN: 2383-2150 Journal of Education and Community Health 2020;7(2):113-118
Prediction of Sexual Anxiety of Women on the Brink of Marriage According to Knowledge and Sexual Attitude
Article Type
Original ResearchAuthors
Hemati L. (1)Shayan A. (2)
Soltani F. (*2)
(1) Student Research Committee, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
(2) Midwifery Department, Midwifery & Nursing Faculty” and “Mother & Child Care Research Center”, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
Address: Midwifery & Nursing Faculty, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Fahmideh Avenue, Hamadan, Iran. Postal code: 3869865178Phone: +98 (81) 38380535
Fax: +98 (81) 38380447
Article History
Received: July 27, 2019Accepted: January 26, 2020
ePublished: June 20, 2020
Lack of adequate sexual knowledge and attitude can lead to women's sexual anxiety.
… [1-6]. Various studies have shown a positive relationship between sexual anxiety and sexual dysfunction [7-9]. Stephenson & Maston believed that fear and anxiety about sex in women is an influential mediating variable between sexual anxiety and sexual function [10]. Brizandin also points out that stressed women are less likely to express their feelings and desires because cortisol inhibits the function of oxytocin in women's brains and prevents women from engaging in sexual and physical intercourse [11]. It has shown that being anxious about talking about sexual issues is consistent with low sexual satisfaction and for women, and especially for those who are anxious about many sexual issues during sexual intercourse, sex is not satisfactory [8, 12]. … [13-18].
The purpose of this study was to predict the sexual anxiety according to sexual knowledge and attitudes of women on the brink of marriage.
This research was a descriptive cross-sectional study.
This study was carried out on 556 women on the brink of marriage referring to the family health center of Hamedan in 2018.
The sample size of 556 subjects was determined using Cochran's formula and considering the correlation coefficient of 0.15, the power of 90%, the estimated error of 0.05%, and also the possible attrition of 20% [19]. Sampling was performed by the available method.
Data collection tools included the personal information questionnaire, Davis's Sexual Anxiety Inventory, and the Sex Knowledge and Attitude Scale (SKAS). 1- Personal information questionnaire: This questionnaire contained questions assessing age, spouse's age, level of education, spouse's level of education, job, spouse's job, premarital relationship, and type of marriage (consanguine and non-consanguine marriage). 2. Davis's Sexual Anxiety Inventory: this scale was developed in 2006 by Davis to assess sexual anxiety [20] with 18 questions that is scored on a 5-point Likert scale from one to five (I don't agree at all, I don't agree, I don't have an opinion, I agree, and I strongly agree). Therefore, the total score ranges from 18 to 90 and a higher score indicates greater sexual anxiety and vice versa. Its internal reliability using Cronbach's alpha method was reported at 0.93. Also, Andres reported its reliability of 0.83 using the retest method and acceptable validity, as well [12, 21]. 3- Sex Knowledge and Attitude Scale (SKAS): This scale was prepared in 2014 by Farajnia et al. based on similar questionnaires [13, 18]. SKAS has 20 items that are classified into two components: sexual knowledge and sexual attitude. It is scored on a 5-point Likert scale as follows: "I totally agree (5)," "I agree (4), "somewhat agree (3)," "I disagree (2)" and "I totally disagree (1). Also, the range of scores varies between a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 100; with higher scores indicating higher sexual knowledge and attitudes. After data collection and coding, the data were analyzed using SPSS 24 software and descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency and dispersion according to data distribution) and analytical statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate linear regression).
The average age of the studied women was 27.1 ±3.69 years and the average age of their husbands was 29.014 ± 3.66 years. Most of them were housewives with a non-consanguineous marriage type (Table 1).There was a significant correlation between sexual anxiety, and sexual knowledge and attitude; this means that with increasing knowledge and sexual attitude, sexual anxiety decreases, and vice versa (Table 2).Sexual knowledge and attitude could explain 15.3% of the variance of sexual anxiety, and sexual knowledge with the coefficient of the effect of -0.279 and sexual attitude with the effect size of -0.1766 showed a negative and inverse relationship with sexual anxiety (Table 3).
… [22-24]. Our results showed an inverse and significant correlation between women's sexual knowledge and attitude and sexual anxiety. Sexual knowledge and attitude were able to predict women's sexual anxiety on the brink of marriage, and women with higher levels of sexual knowledge, as well as more positive sexual attitudes were less likely to have sexual anxiety. Contrary to the findings of the present study, Lou et al. in a study on the relationship between sexual behavior and knowledge and sexual attitude in Taiwan, found no significant relationship between sexual knowledge and attitude and healthy sexual behaviors in adolescents [25]. According to Nohi et al. study, the attitude level in the studied cases was at the desired level based on their attitude average score, which is consistent with our results indicating the average score of sexual attitude and knowledge at the desired level [23]. … [26-30].
It is recommended that future studies examine sexual attitudes and function before and after childbirth.
One of the limitations of the present study was its time limit and cross-sectional design.
The sexual knowledge and attitude of women on the brink of marriage can predict sexual anxiety in them and by increasing sexual knowledge and improving sexual attitude, women's sexual anxiety on the brink of marriage decreases.
The authors are thankful to the Higher Education and Research Department of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, all those who participated in the study, the staff of the Family Health Center, and all who helped us in this research.
None declared.
This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences (IR.UMSHA.REC.1397.401).
This research was supported by the Research Vice-Chancellor of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences.
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[13]Besharat MA, Ranjbar EK. Development and validation of sexual knowledge and attitude scale. Contemp Psychol. 2013;8(1):21-32. [Persian]
[14]Merghati Khoei E, Moeini B, Barati M, Soltanian AR, Shahpiri E, Ghaleiha A, et al. A qualitative inquiry of sexuality in Iranian couples using the Information-Motivation-Behavioral skills paradigm. J Egypt Public Health Assoc. 2019;94:27.
[15]Hoveilipour S, Shafiabadi A, Soudani M. The effect of premarital training on marital expectation and attitudes on children of oil company in southern. J Soc Psychol. 2012;7(23):81-93. [Persian]
[16]Salimi M, Fatehizadeh M. Investigation of effectiveness of sexual education based on behavioral-cognitive method on sexual intimacy, knowledge and self-expression of married woman in Mobarakeh. J Mod Psychol Res. 2012;7(28):105-22. [Persian]
[17]Barati M, Soltanian A, Emdadi S, Zahirifard B, Barzeghar N. Analyzing sexual health-related beliefs among couples in marriage based on the health belief model. J Educ Community Health. 2014;1(1):36-45. [Persian]
[18]Farajnia S, Hosseinian S, Shahidi S, Sadeghi M. Preparation and evaluation of psychometric characteristics of marital sexual function scale. J Appl Couns. 2014;4(1):85-102. [Persian]
[19]Zargar Shoushtari S, Afshari P, Abedi P, Tabesh H. The effect of face-to-face with telephone-based counseling on sexual satisfaction among reproductive aged women in Iran. J Sex Marital Ther. 2015;41(4):361-7.
[20]Davis D, Shaver P.R, Widaman K.F, Vernon K.L, Folette W.C, Beitz K. I can’t get no satisfaction: Insecure attachment, inhibited sexual communication, and sexual dissatisfaction. Pers Relat. 2006;13:465-83.
[21]Gheisari S, Karimian N. A causal model based on relationship satisfaction, sexual satisfaction, marital quality, anxiety of sexual relationship, sexual assertiveness, and the frequency of intercourse in female maried students of Bandarabbas. Counse Cult Psychother. 2014;4(16):85-106. [Persian]
[22]Rehman US, Lizdek I, Fallis EE, Sutherland S, Goodnight JA. How is sexual communication different from nonsexual communication? A moment-by-moment analysis of discussions between romantic partners. Arch Sex Behav. 2017;46(8):2339-52.
[23]Noohi S, Azar M, Shafiei Kandjani AR, Tajik A. Knowledge and attitude of couples attending a marriage counseling centers about the correct sexual relationships. J Hayat. 2007;13(3):77-83. [Persian]
[24]Khodakarami B, Aligholi S. The effect of education based on james brown pattern on knowledge of reproductive & sexual health in women participant marriage council classes in Hamadan. Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery care. 2011;19(1):52-62. [Persian]
[25]Lou JH, Chen SH. Relationships among sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, and safe sex behaviour among adolescents: A structural equation model. Int J Nurs Stud. 2009;46(12):1595-603.
[26]Soltanian F, Azizi R, Sourinegad H, Shayan A, Mohammadi Y, Khodakarami B. Sexual konwledge and attitude as predictiors of female sexual satisfaction. Biomed Res Ther. 2017;4(12):1874-84.
[27]Wang TF, Lu CH, Chen IJ, Yu S. Sexual knowledge, attitudes and activity of older people in Taipei, Taiwan. J Clin Nurs. 2008;17(4):443-50.
[28]Hajivosough NS, Tavakolizadeh J, Rajayi A, Atarodi A. The effect of cognitive-behavioral teaching on improvement of women's sexual function with hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Zahedan J Res Med Sci. 2012;14(10):100-2.
[29]Peleg‐Sagy T, Shahar G. The prospectiveassociations between depression and sexual satisfaction among female medical students. J Sex Med. 2013;10(7):1737-43.
[30]MacNeil S, Byers ES. Dyadic assessment id sexual self-disclosure and sexual satisfaction in heterosexual dating couples. J Soc Pers Relat.2005;22(2):169-81.
[2]Montesi JL, Conner BT, Gordon EA, Fauber RL, Kim KH, Heimberg RG. On the relationship among social anxiety, intimacy, sexual communication, and sexual satisfaction in young couples. Arch Sex Behav. 2013;42(1):81-91.
[3]Nooranipour R, Besharat M, Yousefi E. Relationship between knowledge and sexual attitudes and marital satisfaction in couples living in the Young Research Center. J couns Res. 2008;6(24):27-39. [Persian]
[4]Soltani F, Sattari M, Parsa P, Farhadian M. Sources of adolescents’ information about sexual and reproductive health: Gender similarities and differences. J Pharm Sci Res. 2017;9(9):1624-8.
[5]Basson R. The female sexual response: a different model. J Sex Marital Ther. 2000;26(1):51-65.
[6]Barlow DH. Causes of sexual dysfunction: the role of anxiety and cognitive interference. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1986;54(2):140-8.
[7]Brassard A, Dupuy E, Bergeron S, Shaver PR. Attachment insecurities and women’s sexual function and satisfaction: The mediating roles of sexual self-esteem, sexual anxiety, and sexual assertiveness. J Sex Res. 2015;52(1):110-9.
[8]Eaton NR, Krueger RF, Markon KE, Keyes KM, Skodol AE, Wall M, et al. The structure and predictive validity of the internalizing disorders. J Abnorm Psychol. 2013;122(1):86-92.
[9]Yazdanpanahi Z, Nikkholgh M, Akbarzadeh M, Pourahmad S. Stress, anxiety, depression, and sexual dysfunction among postmenopausal women in Shiraz, Iran, 2015. J Family Community Med. 2018;25(2):82-7.
[10]Stephenson KR, Meston CM. When are sexual difficulties distressing for women? The selective protective value of intimate relationships. J Sex Med. 2010;7(11):3683-94.
[11]Holmberg D, Blair KL. Sexual desire, communication, satisfaction, and preferences of men and women in same-sex versus mixed-sex relationships. J Sex Res. 2009;46(1):57-66.
[12]Silvain SD, Northy L, Dunkley CR, Rigby RA, Gorzalka BB. Sexual anxiety and sexual beliefs and mediators of the association between attachment orientation with sexual functioning and distress in university men and women. J Hum Sex. 2018;27(1):21–32.
[13]Besharat MA, Ranjbar EK. Development and validation of sexual knowledge and attitude scale. Contemp Psychol. 2013;8(1):21-32. [Persian]
[14]Merghati Khoei E, Moeini B, Barati M, Soltanian AR, Shahpiri E, Ghaleiha A, et al. A qualitative inquiry of sexuality in Iranian couples using the Information-Motivation-Behavioral skills paradigm. J Egypt Public Health Assoc. 2019;94:27.
[15]Hoveilipour S, Shafiabadi A, Soudani M. The effect of premarital training on marital expectation and attitudes on children of oil company in southern. J Soc Psychol. 2012;7(23):81-93. [Persian]
[16]Salimi M, Fatehizadeh M. Investigation of effectiveness of sexual education based on behavioral-cognitive method on sexual intimacy, knowledge and self-expression of married woman in Mobarakeh. J Mod Psychol Res. 2012;7(28):105-22. [Persian]
[17]Barati M, Soltanian A, Emdadi S, Zahirifard B, Barzeghar N. Analyzing sexual health-related beliefs among couples in marriage based on the health belief model. J Educ Community Health. 2014;1(1):36-45. [Persian]
[18]Farajnia S, Hosseinian S, Shahidi S, Sadeghi M. Preparation and evaluation of psychometric characteristics of marital sexual function scale. J Appl Couns. 2014;4(1):85-102. [Persian]
[19]Zargar Shoushtari S, Afshari P, Abedi P, Tabesh H. The effect of face-to-face with telephone-based counseling on sexual satisfaction among reproductive aged women in Iran. J Sex Marital Ther. 2015;41(4):361-7.
[20]Davis D, Shaver P.R, Widaman K.F, Vernon K.L, Folette W.C, Beitz K. I can’t get no satisfaction: Insecure attachment, inhibited sexual communication, and sexual dissatisfaction. Pers Relat. 2006;13:465-83.
[21]Gheisari S, Karimian N. A causal model based on relationship satisfaction, sexual satisfaction, marital quality, anxiety of sexual relationship, sexual assertiveness, and the frequency of intercourse in female maried students of Bandarabbas. Counse Cult Psychother. 2014;4(16):85-106. [Persian]
[22]Rehman US, Lizdek I, Fallis EE, Sutherland S, Goodnight JA. How is sexual communication different from nonsexual communication? A moment-by-moment analysis of discussions between romantic partners. Arch Sex Behav. 2017;46(8):2339-52.
[23]Noohi S, Azar M, Shafiei Kandjani AR, Tajik A. Knowledge and attitude of couples attending a marriage counseling centers about the correct sexual relationships. J Hayat. 2007;13(3):77-83. [Persian]
[24]Khodakarami B, Aligholi S. The effect of education based on james brown pattern on knowledge of reproductive & sexual health in women participant marriage council classes in Hamadan. Avicenna J Nurs Midwifery care. 2011;19(1):52-62. [Persian]
[25]Lou JH, Chen SH. Relationships among sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, and safe sex behaviour among adolescents: A structural equation model. Int J Nurs Stud. 2009;46(12):1595-603.
[26]Soltanian F, Azizi R, Sourinegad H, Shayan A, Mohammadi Y, Khodakarami B. Sexual konwledge and attitude as predictiors of female sexual satisfaction. Biomed Res Ther. 2017;4(12):1874-84.
[27]Wang TF, Lu CH, Chen IJ, Yu S. Sexual knowledge, attitudes and activity of older people in Taipei, Taiwan. J Clin Nurs. 2008;17(4):443-50.
[28]Hajivosough NS, Tavakolizadeh J, Rajayi A, Atarodi A. The effect of cognitive-behavioral teaching on improvement of women's sexual function with hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Zahedan J Res Med Sci. 2012;14(10):100-2.
[29]Peleg‐Sagy T, Shahar G. The prospectiveassociations between depression and sexual satisfaction among female medical students. J Sex Med. 2013;10(7):1737-43.
[30]MacNeil S, Byers ES. Dyadic assessment id sexual self-disclosure and sexual satisfaction in heterosexual dating couples. J Soc Pers Relat.2005;22(2):169-81.